Monday, 18 August 2008

Geni : Build your Family Tree

Another Lazy weekend for me, but a highly productive one for Team GB in Olympics. It was fun watching them storm ahead of the Aussies. and above all, the brilliant Usain Bolt.

Thanks to Dhanya Chechi, did something other than watching Olympics over the weekend. After accepting her invitation, started building the family tree. And surprisingly (with some good help from narthana) it went better than expected. already finished adding 100+ people and uploading the photos. sent the invites to young cousins & they have accepted it too. The tree is growing fast.

Can't make much of what I am excited about ?, Try building a family tree for yourself.


think_free said...

how does it compare to

good blog, keep writing...

Sreekanth said...

Thanks !.

will try out the link and update the post.

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